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Useful Links

On this page you will find links that provide more in depth information about McTimoney Animal Therapy. It also includes some of the training methods that influence the way I work with animals to resolve postural problems and achieve healthy movement. Although many of the methods I use are based on horses, they transfer very well to the work I do with dogs.


This website has indepth information about Mctimoney Animal Therapy including current research.  There is a link specifically for Veterinarians and a separate one for owners wanting to know more about how McTimoney can help their horse/dog.

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This site is full of information about all the different elements of this training method, as well as links to courses and equipment.

Tellington Training can be used with any animal. 


Katharine Brunsch is a dog trainer and also a Tellington ttouch Practitioner. Her website includes access to variety of useful free resources but also online video courses including Ttouch Bodywork.


This website explains more about Peggy Cummings work with horses and riders.  She uses both groundwork and ridden exercises to improve dynamic posture and connection between horse and rider.


This website is about the work of Karen Rholf. Her focus is on creating a happy and harmonious relationship between horse and rider. She combines natural horsemanship with her dressage training and is passionate about achieving healthy biomechanics and self carriage in horses without the use of harsh training aids and gadgets.

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Mary Wanless has spent 40 years unpicking what actually happens in the riders body to positively influence the horse. She has an excellent website called Dressage Training Tv. Once you are a member you have access to a huge number of ridden lessons,  as well as a groundwork and rider biomechanics certification program. 


Gillian Higgins is an expert in Equine Anatomy and biomechanics and is well know for her anatomical painting on live horses. She has also painted dogs in the same way. Her website is full of useful resources for anyone wanted to learn more or to refresh their existing knowledge.

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